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calibrating apparatus中文是什么意思

用"calibrating apparatus"造句"calibrating apparatus"怎么读"calibrating apparatus" in a sentence


  • 校准仪器
  • 校准用器
  • 校准装置


  • At last , the prototype of the intellectualized torque wrench calibrating apparatus
  • And in many industries , these corporations are urgent in torque wrench calibrating apparatus with high efficiency and multifunction
  • In view of above said , this thesis develops an intellectualized torque wrench calibrating apparatus , which is the same with large and middle - scale corporations , and which can calibrate vastly and quickly
  • At first , this thesis describes the classification and characteristics of the torque detecting technology , summarizes the state - of - the - art of torque wrench and its calibration technology , and puts the structure scheme of intellectualized torque wrench calibrating apparatus
  • At present , corporations producing torque wrench are short of calibrating apparatuses , or their calibrating methods are old and with troubling manipulation , more calculating amount and long calibration cycle . this influences normal production of corporations and the rate of utilization of equipment
    <中文摘要> =针对扭矩扳手生产企业检定手段原始,操作麻烦,计算量大,检定工作效率低,影响企业的正常生产和设备的使用率。
  • Its main designed functions are as following : display , note and print instantaneous torque value and the biggest torque value ; sequentially display , register , and print torque values ; amend , store and print date ; overrun alarm etc . the experimental results show that the figures and functions of the developed intellectualized torque wrench calibrating apparatus is in accordance with the desogn specifications , and a kind of torque wrench calibrator , which can calibrate vastly and quickly , is applied for corporations producing torque wrench
用"calibrating apparatus"造句  
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